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Enter the following headers in cells A3 through G3: Goals, 1st Qtr, 2nd Qtr, 3d Qtr, 4th Qtr, Goals or Cap? AND and IF Statements Just like in a regular program, sometimes in order to examine two or three conditions that depend on one another, you need to use AND logic. For example, when sales fell between a minimum and maximum number. Example 1 — Save and Close All Workbooks Except The Active Workbook If you have a lot of workbooks open and you quickly want to close all, except the active workbook, you can use the below code, Sub SaveCloseAllWorkbooks Dim wb As Workbook For Each wb In Workbooks On error resume next If wb.

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If Then Else Statement in Excel VBA (explained with examples) - Please pay attention that an IF OR formula in Excel does not differentiate between lowercase and uppercase characters because the OR function is case-insensitive. Say, you calculate the total amount for an order Qty.

IF Statement is one of the most popular instructions among the Decision Making statements. IF Statement gives the desired intelligence to a program, so that it can take decisions based on a criteria and most importantly decide the program flow. In Microsoft Excel, IF Statements can be quite useful for evaluating an expression expressions can be both Mathematical as well as Logical and giving an output based on it. In plain simple English IF function is an instruction that checks any condition, if the condition is found to be TRUE then it returns a predefined value however if the condition is False, it returns a different predefined value. Both the values cannot be returned at the same time. In the below Example: Example 1: The scores of some students are given in a table along with their names. Now for finding the Result of these students, we can use an IF statement. As you can see in the above image I have also defined the Pass and Fail criteria for these students. Sores above 50 are considered PASS, while scores that are below or equal to 50 are considered FAIL. This formula means that first we are comparing the number at B2 i. Is 37 less than or equal to 50, which is True. We have to calculate the bonus for these employees. As you can see in the image the company has a strange criteria for giving bonus to their employees. As the salary of the first employee satisfies the condition i. Here I will help you to understand how can these operators be used with IF function. Example 3: In this example, another company wants to give bonus to its senior employees. The company comes up with a criteria that any employee who has at-least 5 years of experience 5 years or more and whose salary is greater than 12000 will be considered a senior employee. And such an employee will be eligible for a bonus equal to 20% of salary. In such a scenario you cannot create an IF statement without using a logical operator. Recommended Reading: In the same way you can find out if all other employees are applicable for bonus or not.


Nested IF Then Multiple IF Then statements So far we have used a single IF Then statement. The OR function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Logical Function. In column C in this case, C20use the SUM function to total the column. It can be used as a VBA function VBA in Excel. By the way, in our case, we only had two or statements in excel to meet, but if we had more, we could just keep adding them into the list of conditions in the parenthese after the AND function. Continue Reading Below For the AND function in cell B3, the data in cells A2 to A4 must match all three of the conditions above for the function to return a TRUE response. Excel Formula Training Formulas are the key to getting things done in Excel. As you can see in the image the company has a strange criteria for giving bonus to their employees. This kind of logic requires the combination of both a nested IF statement and a couple of OR statements. When you type an IF statement, the tool tip automatically appears to tell you the 3 arguments required. Copy down the formula as far as needed in column C to apply to all the wholesale products and quantities in columns A and B. We'll start with three easy IF statements, then move on to nested IF statements and multi-function IF statements.