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We refresh computers every four to five years. So, let me tell you that there are a variety of uses of SN and each gadget has its own SN code which refers to its manufacturing details.

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All the products that we use, especially electronic gadgets, come with a pre-tagged serial number, which denominates the batch code and manufacturing details of that product. And companies use these codes to identify the origin of such products. So, a serial number is a name given by the manufacturer to your hardware or software product you purchase for unique identification and also for inventory purposes. Lenovo Serial Number Lookup Now a lot of you might be wondering why do we even need serial numbers and what are the uses of this number. So, let me tell you that there are a variety of uses of SN and each gadget has its own SN code which refers to its manufacturing details. Below are some of the major reasons why you need to do Lenovo Serial Number Lookup of your product and why is it so important? So, when you are installing any new software, you must have noticed this when installing a new Operating System the system asks for your devices serial number. The dealers need this when you show some product defects under warranty of this product. Serial numbers are imprinted on the body of the product so you can look for it there or can find it through command prompt of the windows or shell in case of UNIX. How to do Lenovo Serial Number Lookup or Find Serial Number of any Lenovo Product So here are some methods and guide for Lenovo Serial Number Lookup. You can also go and right-click the window logo you have on your taskbar. Click on the Run to open the run window. In the user input type cmd for opening a command prompt and click OK button. Just above it, there is a search bar. On the search bar type in cmd for command prompt. An option of exe appears in the start-up menu. A line was mentioning the serial number of your computer, i. An option is written as terminally appears, click on the terminal icon or press enter to open up the terminal. A window will open with some tag. That number will be your Serial number of PC. In some CPU cabinet, the serial number is printed on the side of the enclosure. In that case, check the sides of the cabinet. Turn over your laptop with its back facing you. There you can see some information written all over. Near the battery or the fan exhaust of the laptop, you will find a half white, half black color tag near the middle of the laptop. Thar number will be your Serial number. The sometimes product number is also mention in the same place, so look out and select the right number. These phones serial number and product names are needed when calling for Lenovo services or when claiming for the product warranty. Phones and tablets serial number can be found out both in the setting of the phones and tablets or in the case of the phones. From the menu of the system look for option written as System All settings. You can find it towards the end of the list. Tap on the option. You will be directed to another menu. From there find an option that says System. Over there tap on the options that say About phone. Tap on the status option. You will be shown a page. There look for Serial number block. Under that, the serial number of the phone or table will be displayed. In case you have a removable back cover, open the back cover. Remove the battery from the battery slot. Now, you will find a white sticker, with a bar code. That will be your serial number. Though their serial number cannot be identified using any command prompt; it can be easily identified from the physical tag that is made on the hardware products. That number is your serial number. You will find a white color tag with some bar code containing some description regarding the monitor. There you will find some numbers. That one will be your serial number. There will be a white colored sticker with a bar code containing description about the product. Just use any of the above steps, and you will get the number. ABOUT USHey, Happy to see you here. Here you will get all About the Latest Tech. Stay Connected for the more updates.


The dealers need this when you show some product defects under warranty of this product. Thank you for this. You can find it towards the end of the list. Click on the Run to open the run window. Anyone has better idea. The example WMI commands they give are run locally on the computer, but can be ran remotely with an additional argument. Follow us LenovoSupport on and!.