※ Download: Duplicate key value violates unique constraint
Here you have two Tivoli1 abbreviations. I mean same database, same cake but diferent servers.. It seems like you may be in over your head.
It also incorporates IMaP to display historical maps. In either case it requires investigation and every error raises an alert to our IT team. If the purpose of the insert into the semaphore table is to ensure that the flag is present but only present one time, you can easily have the query assess this through: insert into tablename key, col1, col2,...
Edit - And I probably would. The project director is Dr.
I have set my postgres database populated and all constraints applied. I ran cake bake all on all tables and start to test. Seems It just start over... I think this is cache problem, but not sure. Fill it with the proper datetime in your PHP code date 'Y-m-d H:i:s' usually does the trick. Anyway, if you are inserting records in a loop, or just more than one with the same model, don't forget to call create on the model otherwise the ID will be the same. Those values should come from database since i created sequence and default value is nextval. My id column is serial and postgres creates sequence by default. And if i create same cake for other database it works fine. I mean same database, same cake but diferent servers..
Blanket error logging seems like a debug config to me. It seems many people have had this problem, but I'm somewhat new to Postgres and tried other solutions with no luck. The duplicate you get relates to one of the records in your SELECT DISTINCT. That triggers the exceptions which causes the trigger to fail, and the commit to abandon. Adding the test to duplicate key value violates unique constraint query will accomplish the goal without generating spurrious errors. I mean same database, same cake but diferent servers. Some variation on the following appears in the atlassian-confluence. That said, by all means submit a patch if you think you know how to tackle this. When I have high volume, I get a ton of the following error: org. Definitely kudos for your attempts to be helpful and give some recommendation but this could be better suited as a comment on the original answer rather than a full blown answer. This is the create and insert queries for table organization: CREATE TABLE Organization Abbreviation VARCHAR 12 PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR 80 NOT NULL, City VARCHAR 35Country VARCHAR 4Province VARCHAR 35Established DATE, CONSTRAINT OrgNameUnique UNIQUE Name ; INSERT INTO organization VALUES 'EFTA','European Free Trade Association','Geneva','CH','Geneve','1960-01-04' ; INSERT INTO organization VALUES 'EIB','European Investment Bank','Luxembourg','L','Luxembourg','1957-03-25' ; INSERT INTO organization VALUES 'CERN','European Organization for Nuclear Research','Geneva','CH','Geneve','1953-07-01' ; INSERT INTO organization VALUES 'ESA','European Space Agency','Paris','F','Ile de France','1973-07-31' ; INSERT INTO organization VALUES 'EU','European Union','Brussels','B','Brabant','1992-02-07' ; INSERT INTO organization VALUES 'FAO','Food and Agriculture Organization','Rome','I','Lazio','1945-10-16' ; I'm using navicat for postgresql.